Providing Information on Labor Activities Employees of JSC "O’zqurilishmateriallari"

"Providing Information on Labor Activities
Employees of JSC "O’zqurilishmateriallari"

1.Description (passport) of the service

1.1.Name of the service

"Providing Information on Labor Activities Employees of JSC "O’zqurilishmateriallari"

1.2.Service Result

The result of the service is the provision of information about the work activity of employees within the competence and authority of JSC "Uzstroymaterialy" (the Company). Provided by providing information to an individual who applied to the Company with a request in oral, written or in electronic form.

1.3. Agencies that provide services and places to obtain forms.

No forms or other documents are required; it is sufficient to comply with the requirements for applications in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

1.4. Legal Framework

  • The Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Applications of Individuals and Legal Entities" dated 03.12.2014 No. LRU-378;
  • The Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Electronic Government" of 09.12.2015 № LRU-395;
  • Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 120 dated May 13, 2015 "On measures to further improve the procedure for rendering state services and interagency information interaction between government agencies and other organizations";
  • Articles of Associations of “O’zqurilishmateriallari” Joint Stock Company.

1.5. Service Recipients


1.6. Deadline for Applications

No deadline is established.

1.7. Time of Execution

Up to one month from the date of receipt of the request, except for those cases that require additional study.

1.8. Time for Issue of Confirmation

One working day.

2. Informing Service Recipients

2.1. Composition and Amount of Information

Any person who is applying is guaranteed the provision of full and reliable information sufficient for the provision of public services, as well as information on the progress of the service through various forms of interaction (telephone, e-mail and others).

2.2. Public awareness

Not provided.

2.3. Information on request

The service is provided in real time on the official website of the Company.

Along with this, the following types of information are also provided:

Personally: 9:00 to 18:00 oral consulting (not more than 20 minutes) on any issues of service provision and provision of written information in the form of text standard, composition of necessary documents, as well as designed in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

By fax: receipt of any written request within 24 hours.

By e-mail: receipt of any written request within 24 hours, in the text format, signed by an applicant (PDF) or otherwise as agreed.

2.4. Information at the site of service provision

The official website of the Company -

At the same time, the following addresses are also provided for informing the provision of the service:

Republic of Uzbekistan, 100070, Tashkent, Tafakkur str., bld.68a

Phone: + (998 71) 2522063, 2522065

2.5. Forms (letterheads) of documents to be used

Not applicable.

3. Provision of Services

3.1. Working hours

Monday-Friday from 9 am to 6 pm

3.2. Terms for waiting

The order of reception of visitors is carried out during the period of work: Monday-Friday from 9-00 to 18-00 according to the preliminary record, according to the record by phone, or according to the schedule of reception.

4. Procedure for provision of services

4.1. Required documents

An individual must produce a document proving his identity.

4.2. Payment for services.

Services are provided free of charge.

4.3. Stages for provision of public service

When submitting a request for information and processing it in accordance with the established procedure, the document is sent to the resolution to the Management of the Company with a view to identifying the department responsible for the qualitative preparation of the response. After reviewing the subject matter of this document, an account card is created to monitor the progress of the execution of the assignment. In due time, the responsible department prepares a response to this request and is sent to the recipient of the service.

4.4. Intradepartmental procedures for provision of public service

1) Procedure: registration of the document and forwarding to the Management of the Company;

2) Procedure: formation of a control card for monitoring the progress of execution, followed by sending to the department responsible for preparing the response;

3) Procedure: preparation by the department responsible for preparing a written response to the applicant;

4) Procedure: the transfer of the document to the applicant.

4.5. Grounds for refusal

Written inquiries in which the requisites of the requesting party are not indicated or if false information about it is provided, as well as not fixed by a signature, are considered anonymous and are not subject to review.

5. Quality Assurance

5.1. Quality characteristics

The absence of repeated requests for information in relation to issues raised earlier.

5.2. Appeal of low-quality services

Appeal of the received information may be appealed with specification of specific reasons that impelled to do this. Method of appeal is in writing with detailed nature of the complaint in the manner prescribed by law

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