Providing information about organizational structure, composition, functions, tasks, powers and main activities

“Providing information about organizational structure,
composition, functions, tasks, powers and main activities”

1. Description (passport) of Service:

1.1. Name of service.

Provision of information about organizational structure, composition, functions, tasks, powers and main activities of "O’zqurilishmateriallari" Joint-Stock Company.

1.2. Service Result

The result of the service is the publication (distribution) of publicly available information by reference (URL) to the information state service provided on the official website of JSC "O’zqurilishmateriallari" (the Company):

1.3. Agencies that provide services and places to obtain forms.

No forms or other documents are required; it is sufficient to comply with the requirements for applications in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

1.4. Legal Framework

  • The Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Applications of Individuals and Legal Entities" dated 03.12.2014 No. LRU-378;
  • The Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Electronic Government" of 09.12.2015 № LRU-395;
  • Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 120 dated May 13, 2015 "On measures to further improve the procedure for rendering state services and interagency information interaction between government agencies and other organizations";
  • Articles of Associations of “O’zqurilishmateriallari”Joint Stock Company.

1.5. Service Recipients

Legal entities and individuals.

1.6. Deadline for Applications

No deadline is established.

1.7. Time of Execution

The service is provided in real time on the official website of the Company.

1.8. Time for Issue of Confirmation

The service is provided in real time on the official website of the Company.

2. Informing Service Recipients

2.1. Composition and Amount of Information

Any applicant is guaranteed to receive the following information:

  • location of the entity providing service, its hours of operation, procedures for reception of visitors (pre-appointment call, reception on the application day, first in first out, etc.);
  • on the structure, composition, functions, tasks, powers and main activities.

2.2. Public awareness

Through official web site of the Company

2.3. Information on request

The service is provided in real time on the official website of the Company.

Along with this, the following types of information are also provided:

Personally: 9:00 to 18:00 oral consulting (not more than 20 minutes) on any issues of service provision and provision of written information in the form of text standard, composition of necessary documents, as well as designed in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

By fax: receipt of any written request within 24 hours.

By e-mail: receipt of any written request within 24 hours, in the text format, signed by an applicant (PDF) or otherwise as agreed.

2.4. Information at the site of service provision

The official website of the Company -

At the same time, the following addresses are also provided for informing the provision of the service:

Republic of Uzbekistan, 100070, Tashkent, Tafakkur str., bld.68a

Phone: + (998 71) 2522063, 2522065

2.5. Forms (letterheads) of documents to be used

Not applicable.

3. Provision of Services

3.1. Working hours


3.2. Terms for waiting

The waiting time depends on the speed of access to the Internet.

4. Procedure for provision of services

4.1. Required documents

Not required.

4.2. Payment for services.

Services are provided free of charge.

4.3. Stages for provision of public service

The service is in one stage: access to the site - obtaining information.

4.4. Intradepartmental procedures for provision of public service

There are no intra-departmental procedures.

4.5. Grounds for refusal

The refusal procedures are not provided.

5. Quality Assurance

5.1. Quality characteristics

The absence of repeated requests for information in relation to issues raised earlier.

5.2. Appeal of low-quality services

Appeal of the received information may be appealed with specification of specific reasons that impelled to do this. Method of appeal is in writing with detailed nature of the complaint in the manner prescribed by law.

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