Development of structural and process engineering solutions for earthquake proofing buildings of lime-sand bricks

At the present time there is deficiency of wall building materials in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Khorezm Province and Kashkadarya Province.

The existing production facilities don't provide production of lime-sand (silica) bricks providing necessary adhesion with mortar in masonry in seismic areas. Raw material for production of burnt clay bricks, i.e. clay of needed quality, is unavailable there.

The problem of raising seismic resistance of lime-sand brick masonry can be solved by two options having equal practical importance:

  • Reinforcement of brickwork, including elements of complex structure, vertical and horizontal reinforcing with application of currently produced lime-sand bricks;
  • Use of new lime-sand brick production technology with thermally-activated additive allowing to presumably provide necessary adhesion in masonry.

For the purposes of creating the conditions for mass application of common lime-sand bricks and with thermally-activated additive in seismic areas, it's necessary to conduct experimental studies of seismic resistance of masonry in laboratory and in-situ conditions with development of recommendations for their application.

Resolution of the problem of application of lime-sand bricks in seismic districts has a great national economy importance for development of capital construction in the above-named regions of our Republic, where production clay bricks is absent.

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