Bobokulov Baxtiyor Baxronbekovich
The Interim acting Chairman of the board (Deputy Chairman for the development of the production of manufacture from natural facing and other stones)
- Ensuring timely and effective execution of acts and instructions of the President of the Repu
- blic of Uzbekistan, as well as ensuring thorough elaboration of draft acts and proposals submitted to authorized bodies, reasonableness of calculations, the reality of guaranteed sources of financing and the achieved forecast results in the Company;
- Organization of works and effective interaction of all structural subdivisions of the executive apparatus of the Company, directs their activities for the development and improvement of production, taking into account social and market priorities, increasing the efficiency of the Company's work;
- Management of the Company's production, economic, financial and economic activities;
- Ensuring the fulfillment by the Company of all obligations to the budget, state extra-budgetary social funds;
- Taking measures to ensure the Company with qualified personnel, rational use and development of their professional knowledge and experience, creation of safe and healthy working conditions, compliance with the requirements of environmental protection legislation, payment of wages in due time;
- Resolution of issues related to the financial and economic and industrial and economic activities of the Company;
- Maintenance of observance of legality in activity of the Society and realization of its economic and economic relations and investment appeal of the Society;
Taking measures to protect the property interests of the Company in courts, public authorities and administration; - Organization of works on realization of marketing researches of internal and external markets of building materials, revealing of requirement for modern building materials;
- Organization of works to ensure the implementation of a set of measures for in-depth processing of local raw materials, increase volumes and expand the range of production of competitive, export-oriented construction products, as well as meet domestic demand for new types of quality building materials;
- The organization of works on the conduct of a unified scientific and technical and investment policy, the wide introduction of advanced energy and resource-saving technologies into the industry for the production of modern high-quality building materials;
- The organization of works on the wide attraction of investments, first of all direct foreign investments, for modernization, technical and technological re-equipment of the industry, organization of joint ventures with joint-stock companies and production facilities for the production of high-quality modern building materials in a wide range;
- The organization of works on the active implementation of modern methods of corporate governance, the wide involvement in the management of the industry of highly skilled managers, including foreign ones;
- Organization of works to provide information, marketing and other services to organizations and enterprises that are part of the structure of the joint-stock company, the organization of retraining and advanced training of personnel;
- arries out, within its competence, the management of the Company's current activities, except for issues falling within the exclusive competence of the sole shareholder and the Company's Supervisory Board, ensuring its effective and sustainable operation;
- Organizes execution of decisions of the sole shareholder and the Supervisory Board of the Company;
- Quarterly reports to the Supervisory Board of the Company on the implementation of the annual business plan and the measures taken to achieve the Company's development strategy;
- Manages the development of the Company's programs and business plans, the organization and control of their implementation;
- Ensures fulfillment of the Company's contractual obligations;
- Organizes holding of meetings of the Company's Management Board, signs documents on behalf of the Company and minutes of Board meetings;
- Takes measures to ensure the Company with qualified personnel, the best use of knowledge, qualifications, experience and abilities of the Company's employees;
- Ensures observance of social guarantees and labor protection of the Company's employees;
- Acts as an employer in the conclusion of collective agreements and agreements, fulfills obligations under a collective agreement."