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- «Bekabadcement» JSC

Yakovlev Makar Valerevich
«Bekabadcement» Joint-Stock Company was founded in March 1995 on the basis of the Bekabad Cement Integrated Plant. The history of the enterprise began on 26 March 1929 when a cement plant was commissioned near the Hilkovo railway station in the Bekabad settlement.
The initial production capacity of the plant was 25 thousand tons of cement per annum.
It was the first cement plant put into operation in the Republic of Uzbekistan.
In 1957 the plant was joined with the Hilkovo asbestos-cement pipe plant and renamed into integrated plant.
In 1964 the lime shop was put into operation.
For the years of its existence the factory was reconstructed and expanded several times, the production capacity was growing and product range was increasing. At the present time the production capacity of Bekabadcement is:
cement – 714 thousand tons per annum;
clinker – 666 thousand tons per annum;
slates – 66 million conventional slate plates per annum.
The number of employees of Bekabadcement is 1733, including administrative managerial staff 220 persons.
Bekabadcement pays great attention to development of the social infrastructure. At the present time, there are Cementman club, Shirin resort, Sementchi children recreation camp, sportive and recreation complex, stadium, Kuyoshcha children park, tea house on the Syrdarya river bank, the canteen completely refurbished and decorated in modern style.
On 26 June 2016 the enterprise celebrated its 90th anniversary.