«Karbonat» JSC


Sadykhodjaev Farrukh Rinatovich
Chairman of the Board



The Republic of Uzbekistan, 131204, Jizzakh region, Forish district, rural gathering "Egizbulok" citizens




+99898 308-13-13

Karbonat JSC is operating since the II quarter of 1995, production capacity of 686 thousand tons of crushed fractionated limestone.

The principal object of business is provision of raw fractionated limestone to a number of the enterprises in the Republic, including APO Uzmetkombinat, JV Shakar-Investment, Bekabadsement, etc.

The enterprise produces two fractions: limestone 05-25 mm and 60-120 mm. The enterprise structure including crushing-sorting shop, quarry facility with control service, mechanical repair workshops, railway section and storage facilities.

In the recent years the enterprise had taken a number of actions for raising the production culture, improvement of labor and domestic conditions. Thus, drinking water and natural gas are supplied to the production, the administrative building is refurbished, dispatch control service is organized, mechanical repair workshops have been built and commissioned.

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