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- «Run Tong Metal Industrial» LLC
Chjan Chjipin
The foreign enterprise Run Tong Metal Industrial limited liability company, located in Tashkent Province, is realization of the project of production of steel seamless thin-wall pipes (diameter 20-550 mm) and heavy-wall pipes (diameter 45-219 mm, wall thickness 3.5 to 25 mm), with production capacity 100 thousand tons and steel reinforcement bars for construction with production capacity 180 thousand tons per annum.
The factory operates since 2013.
It is a unique, dynamically developing enterprise. It is one of the few domestic enterprises specialized in production of steel seamless thin-wall pipes (and heavy-wall pipes as well as steel reinforcement bars for construction.
There was no domestic production of seamless pipes in the Republic and they were imported before.
The production will provide market saturation with high quality products. 250 jobs are created as a result of the project implementation.
Start of production is scheduled to 2017.