Under the Aral region, new cement production is launched.

During the visit, special attention was paid not only to projects in the production of building materials, but also to other sectors of the economy.

Familiarization of entrepreneurs with existing opportunities, providing them with the necessary support is the main goal of the O'zqurilishmateriallari joint-stock company, and today new opportunities serve the needs of the population of the region.

It should be noted that the territory of the Aral Sea region is rich in raw materials suitable for the production of building materials. Among them, feldspar, wollastonite, rhodonite, listvenite, talc and vermiculite ores.

The prospects for the construction materials industry in the region are determined by the presence of rich deposits of cement raw materials, natural facing and building stones, gypsum, limestone, ceramic raw materials, silicate materials, sand, gravel for construction work.

In particular, last year, the Karakalpak Cement enterprise was launched in the Korauzyak district with a production capacity of 200,000 tons of cement per year in the first stage. In the same area, in the village of Kuybok, on the Jamansai section, on December 19 this year, the joint Uzbek-Chinese enterprise Titan Cement put into operation a new cement plant with an annual capacity of 200 thousand tons.

The full article is available in the state language.

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