At the end of 2020, the total volume of industrial production by the enterprises of the "O‘zsanoatqurilishmateriallari" association amounted to 7 871 billion soums, or the growth rate of production in comparable prices was 108.0%. Consumer goods were produced in the amount of 453.7 billion soums.

According to the results for the trendy quarter of 2020, the total volume of industrial production amounted to 6 047,8 billion soums. The growth rate in comparable prices was 112,8% Consumer goods produced in the amount of 366,7 billion soums.

According to the results for the first quarter of 2020, the total volume of industrial production amounted to 1090,4 billion soums. The growth rate in comparable prices was 97,3% Consumer goods produced in the amount of 80,5 billion soums.

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