Sandwich Panels

Sandwich panels are the main element of the pre-fabricated buildings and structures. Panel components are metal sheets and heat insulation, glued together with special glue. Heat insulation is foam polystyrene of different density. Sandwich panels are intended for construction of workshops and warehouses, refrigerators and freezers, poultry houses and cow sheds, sport facilities and hangars, etc. It’s warm in winter and cold in summer in a building is made of sandwich panels.

Sandwich panels made by JV PANELPLAST have some differences from similar panels from other manufacturers:

  1. Wall thickness of the metal of wall panels no less than 0.4 mm, for roofing at least 0.5 mm. Some manufacturers use thinner metal.
  2. Bonding is done with two-component polyurethane adhesive made in Germany, which makes the connection of panel parts especially durable.
  3. Polystyrene foam beads are supplied by the world leader in polystyrene.
  4. PANELPLAST buys only those brands of polystyrene, which have fire-retardant additive. foam polystyrene self-extinguishing time is less than 4 seconds.
  5. Foam polystyrene plates for sandwich panels are also manufactured PANELPLAST itself, which ensures quality control at all stages of production. According to protocol of laboratory, foam polystyrene plates of PANELPLAST are recognized products of the highest category.
  6. Sandwich panels are not made by stand (manual) method, but on the new automatic conveyor line, ie panel length is not limited to a certain size. Possible length is 30 cm to 12 m. Height 5 to 25 cm.
  7. Wall panels are available in two widths: 98 cm and 122 cm.
  8. PANELPLAST produces not only the wall panels but also roof panels, which in addition to Tongue and Groove, are closed with snap lock, which ensures additional waterproofing and rigidity to roof panels.
  9. Since 2012, the joint venture PANELPLAST produces panels with foam polystyrene inserts in the trapezoid profile roof. These inserts in addition to improved aesthetic appearance of roof sandwich panels, reduce its windage area.

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