Cement branch

Asbestos cement corrugated sheets

Asbestos cement corrugated sheets of mean profile 40/150-1750 – designed for roofing of residential, public and agricultural buildings and wall envelope of wall buildings. Quality, basic dimensions and tolerances conform to GOST 30340-95.

Asbestos-Cement Pipes

This type of product is made by forming in pipe forming machines, the main component of which is mineral filler – asbestos cemented into one monolithic body with cement glue.


Cement (a word derived from the Latin word “caementum” meaning “gravel, broken stone”) is artificial inorganic binder in powder form, one of the basic building materials. When mixed with water solutions or other liquids form a plastic mass, and during solidification it forms a stone-like body.

Concrete Mixes and Building Mortars

Cement in concrete and mortar creates its strength by chemical reaction, it is not like wallpaper glue which "drys out", it 'goes off'. In fact, if the concrete or mortar should "dry out" before the chemical reaction is substantially complete, it will fail. Likewise if it is subjected to a frost, it can also fail.

Concrete products and structures

The Building Materials and Structures Integrated Plant of Ahangarancement is one of the leading producers of reinforced concrete structures and products in the Republic. Highly qualified specialists allow to keep the high quality of products, while maintaining an affordable price.


Gypsum and its products known to be one of the most ancient minerals used in architecture, medicine, and of course in construction.

The construction industry uses plaster being a fine powder made of gypsum stone by baking and subsequent grinding.


The main differences between hydrated lime & quicklime are their reactivity & their chemical composition. Hydrated lime and quicklime are both calcium compounds. In its hydrated state, calcium is called calcium hydroxide, and in its pure state it is called calcium oxide, or quicklime. Calcium oxide has a heavy density (65lb/ft³) and is more reactive than hydrated lime.
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